Meet the most colorful cat breed on the planet - the Oriental Shorthair. Know more about the facts of this spectacular Siamese breed, in this CatAppy
Amazing Facts About the Highly Energetic Toyger Cat
Despite their ferocious look, toyger cats are calm and friendly. They are also highly energetic and love to play a lot. Find out some more amazing
Behavioral Changes Seen in Cats Before Dying: Don’t Overlook Them
Do you want to make your pet cat feel comfortable while it nears the end of its life? You will have to look out for the typical behavioral signs and
Amazingly Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hairballs in Cats
Grooming comes naturally to our cats, and aren't we thankful for it? However, there remains a serious flip side to this otherwise wonderful quality
The Chinese Mao: Cool Facts About the Amewsing Dragon Li Cat
The Dragon Li is one of the first Chinese cat breeds, and is starting to gain popularity among cat fanciers. Now an internationally recognized
European and American Burmese Cats – A Controversy
This article discusses the differences between European Burmese and American Burmese cat breeds. The controversy surrounding the differentiation of
What Causes Weight Loss in Cats?
If your cat is losing weight rapidly without any apparent reason, then you need to get her checked as it can be a sign of some serious medical
Cystitis in Cats: Can It Be Treated?
Cystitis is a common bladder ailment that troubles the feline world. Many feline parents often worry about cystitis in cats and ask if it can be
Brilliantly Interesting Personality Traits of Bombay Cats
A typical Bombay cat will display certain specific personality traits that many first time pet owners find quite endearing. To know more about the