There are many substances that prove to be toxic to all mammals. In the same way, plants that are poisonous to cats tend to have some or the other effect on the animal’s health. These plants include many different types of botanical species such as house plants, indoor plants, and also a huge range of wild plants.
All mammals, including humans, dogs, and cats, need many different nutrients that are present in green plants, especially the leaves. Sometimes, you might notice your cat or dog chewing on the leaves of some or the other plant. Mammals like cats chew on these plants in order to consume some important nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, etc. The feline family has a habit of chewing on the leaves of plants that are kept indoors. The drawback of this habit is that there are some plants that have substances which are toxic to almost all cats.
At times, the chemical insecticides and other pesticides that are sprayed on the plants also tend to be toxic to cats. Many cat owners have discovered indoor and outdoor plants that are not poisonous to cats, having fatal effects on their pets due to the pesticides and insecticides. One of the best solutions to keep the cats away from these plants is to spray some diluted lemon juice on the leaves, as most cats hate the smell and taste of the lemon juice. It is also very important to cover up the soil of the plant with a wire mesh.
While selecting plants for your garden, you must exclude the following as they have proven to be fatal to many cats.
List of Poisonous Plants
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Adam-and-Eve | Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Wake Robin, Starch Root, Bobbins, or Cuckoo Plant | Insoluble calcium oxalates | Oral irritation, irritation on tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty in swallowing |
African Wonder Tree | Ricinus communis | Ricin | Loss of appetite, excessive thirst, weakness, colic, trembling, sweating, loss of coordination, difficulty in breathing, depression, and fever. You may also notice some other symptoms such as bloody diarrhea. Ricin is one of the worst poisons for cats and can result into coma or death |
Amaryllis | Belladonna lily, Saint Joseph lily, Cape Belladonna | Lycorine | Vomiting, depression, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, anorexia, and tremors |
Ambrosia Mexicana | Jerusalem Oak and Feather Geranium | Sesquiterpene lactones | Vomiting, anorexia, and depression |
American Mandrake | Mayapple, Indian Apple Root, Umbrella Leaf, Wild Lemon, Hog Apple, Duck’s Foot, and Raccoonberry | Podophyllin | Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, panting, and skin ulcers. The consumption of the American Mandrake is known to have resulted into coma |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Barbados Aloe | Medicine Plant and True Aloe | Anthraquinones, Anthracene glycosides which is also known as Aloin | Vomiting, red colored urine |
Barbados Pride | Peacock Flower and Dwarf Poinciana | GI Irritants and Tannins | Vomiting and diarrhea |
Bead Tree | China Ball Tree, Paradise Tree, Persian Lilac, White Cedar, Japanese Bead Tree, Texas Umbrella Tree, Pride-of-India, Chinaberry Tree | Tetranortriterpenes, which is also known as Meliatoxins | Diarrhea, vomiting, excessive salivation, depression, weakness, and seizures |
Bergamot Orange | Bergamot and Citrus bergamia | Psoralens | Vomiting, diarrhea, and depression |
Bishop’s Weed | Greater Ammi and False Queen Anne’s Lace | Insoluble calcium oxalates | Oral irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty in swallowing |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Cardboard Palm | Cycads and zamias | Cycasin | Vomiting, melena, icterus, thirst, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, bruising, coagulopathy, damage to liver or even failure, and even death |
Carnation | Pinks, Wild Carnation, and Sweet William | Poisonous substance not yet known | Mild signs of gastrointestinal problems and dermatitis |
Ceriman | Cutleaf Philodendron, Hurricane Plant, Swiss Cheese Plant, and Mexican Breadfruit | Insoluble calcium oxalates | Oral irritation, drooling, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing |
Chamomile | Manzanilla, Garden Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, True Chamomile, Corn Feverfew, Barnyard Daisy, Ground-apple, and Turkey-weed | Volatile oil, bisabolol, chamazulene, anthemic acid, and tannic acid | Contact dermatitis, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and allergic reactions |
Cherry | Prunus species | Cyanogenic glycosides | Brick red mucous membranes, dilated pupils, difficulty in breathing, panting, and shock |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Daisy | Chrysanthemum and Mum | Sesquiterpene, lactones, and pyrethrins | Vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, incoordination, and dermatitis |
Desert Azalea | Desert Rose, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, Impala Lily, and Kudu Lily | Glycosides and other Digitalis | Vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, depression, irregular heartbeat, and may also cause death in extreme cases |
Dieffenbachia | Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Dumbcane, Exotica, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection | Insoluble calcium oxalates and proteolytic enzyme | Oral irritation, drooling, vomiting, and difficulty in swallowing |
Dock | Sorrel | Soluble calciumoxalates | Kidney failure, tremors, and salivation |
Dracaena | Corn Plant, Cornstalk Plant, Dragon Tree, and Ribbon Plant | Saponins | Vomiting, depression, anorexia, hypersalivation, and dilated pupils |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Emerald Feather | Emerald Fern, Asparagus, Asparagus fern, Sprengeri fern, Plumosa fern, Lace fern, Racemose asparagus, and Shatavari | Unknown toxic substances | Gastric upset |
English Holly | European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry, Winterberry, and American Holly | Saponins | Vomiting, diarrhea, and depression |
English Ivy | Branching Ivy, Glacier Ivy, Needlepoint Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, California Ivy | Triterpenoid saponins, also known as hederagenin | Vomiting, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, and diarrhea |
English Yew | Western Yew, Pacific Yew, Japanese Yew, Anglo-Japanese Yew | Taxine A and B and Volatile oil | Acute heart failure and possibility of death |
Eucalyptus | Eucalyptol | Salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and weakness | Not verified |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Fig | Weeping Fig and Indian Rubber Plant | Proteolytic enzyme and psoralen | Oral irritation, salivation, and vomiting |
Fire Lily | Amaryllis, Barbados Lily, Lily of the Palace, Ridderstjerne | Lycorine | Vomiting, salvation, diarrhea, and blood pressure |
Flag | Iris, Snake Lily, and Water Flag | Zeorin, missourin, and missouriensin | Salivation, vomiting, drooling, lethargy, and diarrhea |
Fleabane | Showy Daisy, Horseweed, Seaside Daisy | Not known | Mild vomiting, diarrhea |
Florida Beauty | Gold dust dracaena and Spotted dracaena | Agavaceae | Dilated pupils, breathing difficulty, abdominal pain, increased heart rate, and drooling |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Garlic | Stinking rose, Rustic treacle, Comphor of the poor, Nectar of the gods, Serpet garlic, and Rocambole | N-propyl disulfide | Blood in urine, weakness, high heart rate, panting, and in some cases, vomiting |
Gladiola | Gladiolus species | Unknown | Salivation, vomiting, drooling, lethargy and diarrhea |
Gloriosa Lily | Glory Lily, Climbing Lily, and Superb Lily | Colchicine | Salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, shock, kidney failure, liver damage, and bone marrow suppression |
Golden Pothos | Pothos, Devil’s Ivy, Taro Vine, Ivy Arum | Insoluble calcium oxalates | Oral irritation and vomiting |
Ground Apple | Mayweed, Poison Daisy, Stinking Chamomile, Dog Daisy, Dog Fennel, and Chamomile | Bisabolol, chamazulene, anthemic acid, and tannic acid | Vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and allergic reactions |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Hashish | Marijuana and Indian Hemp | Tetrahydrocannabinol | Prolonged depression, vomiting, and incoordination |
Holly | English Holly, European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry, Winterberry, and American Holly | Saponins | Vomiting, diarrhea, and depression |
Horseweed | Showy Daisy, Fleabane, and Seaside Daisy | Unknown, not yet discovered | Mild vomiting and diarrhea |
House Pine | Australian Pine, Norfolk Pine, and Norfolk Island Pine | Unknown | Vomiting and depression |
Hyacinth | Hyacinthus oreintalis | Narcissus and other alkaloids | Intense vomiting and diarrhea |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Indian Apple | Mayapple, Indian Apple Root, Umbrella Leaf, Wild Lemon, Hog Apple, Duck’s Foot, Raccoonberry, and American Mandrake | Podophyllin | Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, panting, and coma |
Inkberry | English Holly, European Holly, Oregon Holly, American Holly, and Winterberry | Saponins | Vomiting, diarrhea, and depression |
Ivy Arum | Pothos, Golden Pothos, Taro Vine, and Devil’s Ivy | Insoluble calcium oxalates | Oral irritation |
Iris | Flag, Snake Lily, and Water Flag | Zeorin, missourin, and missouriensin | Salivation, vomiting, drooling, lethargy, and diarrhea |
Impala Lily | Desert Rose, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, Desert Azalea, and Kudu Lily | Glycosides | Vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, depression, irregular heartbeat, and even death |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Jade Plant | Baby Jade, Dwarf rubber plant, Jade tree, Chinese rubber plant, and Japanese rubber plant | Unknown | Vomiting, depression, ataxia, and slow heart rate |
Jack-in-the-pulpit | Three-leaved Indian turnip, Devil’s dear, Wake robin, Starch wort, Wild turnip, Dragon root, Bog onion, Pepper turnip, Brown dragon, and Memory root | Insoluble calcium oxalates | Vomiting and difficulty in swallowing |
Japanese Show Lily | Lilium speciosum | Unknown | Vomiting, inappetence, lethargy, kidney failure, or death |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Klamath Weed | St. John’s Wort | Hypericin | Photosensitization |
Kudu Lily | Desert Azalea, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, Impala Lily, Desert Rose | Glycosides | Vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, depression, irregular heartbeat, and death |
Kalanchoe | Mother-In-Law-Plant, Devils Backbone, Chandelier Plant, and Mother of Millions | Bufodienolides | Vomiting, diarrhea, and abnormal heart rhythm |
Kaffir Lily | Clivia Lily | Lycorine | Vomiting, salvation, diarrhea; large ingestion causes convulsions, low blood pressure, tremors, and cardiac arrhythmia |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Laurel | Mountain laurel, Spoonwood, Mountain Ivy, Calico Bush, and Ivy Bush | Grayanotoxins | Vomiting, diarrhea, depression, cardiovascular collapse, hypersalivation, weakness, coma, low blood pressure, and even death |
Leatherflower | Clematis and Virgin’s Bower | Protoanemonin | Salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea |
Leek | Elephant Garlic | N-propyl disulfide | Vomiting and breakdown of red blood cells |
Lily | Lilium species | Unknown | Kidney failure |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Marble Queen | Golden Pothos | Calcium oxalate crystals | Variable in most of the cases |
Medicine Plant | Aloe, True Aloe, and Barbados Aloe | Anthraquinones and anthracene glycosides | Vomiting and red urine |
Milfoil | Yarrow | Glycoalkaloids, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpene lactones | Vomiting, diarrhea, depression, anorexia, and hypersalivation |
Moss Rose | Wild Portulaca, Rock Moss, Purslane, Pigwee, and Pusley | Soluble calcium oxalates | Variable |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Nandina | Sacred Bamboo and Heavenly Bamboo | Cyanogenic glycosides | Weakness, incoordination, seizures, coma, respiratory failure, and possibility of death |
Narcissus | Daffodil | Lycorine | Vomiting, salvation, diarrhea; large ingestion causes convulsions, low blood pressure, tremors, and cardiac arrhythmia |
Nicotiana | Tree Tobacco, Tobacco, and Mustard Tree | Nicotine | Hyperexcitability then depression, vomiting, incoordination, paralysis, and death |
Norfolk Island Pine | Norfolk Pine, House Pine, and Australian Pine | Unknown | Vomiting and depression |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Oleander | Rose Bay | Cardiac glycosides | Diarrhea |
Onion | Allium cepa | N-propyl disulfide | Gastrointestinal upset |
Orange | Citrus sinensis | Psoralens | Vomiting, diarrhea, and depression |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Peace Lily | Mauna Loa Peace Lily | Insoluble calcium oxalates | Oral irritation |
Peach | Plum, Apricot, and Cherry | Cyanogenic glycosides | Dilated pupils, difficulty in breathing, panting, and shock |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Red Lily | Lilium umbellatum | Lilium umbellatum | Vomiting, inappetence, lethargy, and kidney failure |
Rosebay | Rhododendron and Azalea | Grayantoxin | Vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, weakness, and coma |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Sprengeri Fern | Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Plumosa Fern | Sapogenins | Gastric upset |
Sowbread | Cyclamen | Terpenoid saponins | Salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea |
Solomon’s Lily | Black Calla, Wild Calla, and Wild Arum | Insoluble calcium oxalates | Oral irritation |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Taro | Caladium, Elephant Ears, Pai, Ape, Cape, Via, Via sori, and Malanga | Calcium oxalate crystals | Oral irritation and excessive drooling |
Tulip | Tulipa species | Tulipalin A and B | Vomiting, depression, and diarrhea |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Umbrella Tree | Schefflera, Australian Ivy Palm, Octopus Tree, and Starleaf | Terpenoids, saponins, and insoluble oxalates | Mild vomiting and diarrhea |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Water Hemlock | Cowbane, poison parsnip | Cicutoxin | Diarrhea, seizures, tremors, extreme stomach pain, dilated pupils, fever, and bloat |
Weeping Fig | Fig and Indian rubber plant | Proteolytic enzyme | Variable |
Name of Poisonous Plant | Other Names of the Plant | Toxic Components | Symptoms of Consumption |
Yarrow | Milfoil | Glycoalkaloids | Vomiting, diarrhea, depression, anorexia, and also hypersalivation |
Yew Pine | Buddhist pine | Unknown | Severe vomiting |
Yucca | None | Saponins | Liver disease |
Cat Grass
Your cat, at the same time, needs a lot of nutrients that are present in the parts and leaves of these plants. Hence, many pet shops have started providing cat owners with a potted plant that is known as ‘cat grass’. Cat grass is basically a plant that contains all the nutrients, like fibers, vitamins, and minerals, that are needed by the cats. It is better to have cat grass which can be kept as an outdoor or indoor plant. Plants that are poisonous to cats are not always fatal and at times, the cats themselves eject the toxic substances through vomit.
Now that you know the name and description of outdoor and indoor plants that are poisonous to cats, you can keep your feline friend away from these. A precaution that you must follow while purchasing any plant from the nursery, is to confirm whether it is poisonous to any pets or not.