Pet owners have known for a long time that there are clearly differences between dog owners and cat owners. The reason that people choose a particular species is because they have a specific personality type. The differences between dogs and cats is what defines the people who love them.
There are a lot more dog people than cat people.
An Associated poll, revealed that 74 percent of those asked like dogs a lot. And about 41 percent had a deep affinity for cats.
More people prefer only dogs. And can’t stand cats. Cats appear to be much easier to dislike.Actually 15 percent of adults questioned said they disliked cats a lot, while only 2 percent disliked dogs.
People who prefer cats are more independent and introverted.
Feral cats are usually lone hunters. And they are more nocturnal. Wild canines are more pack oriented. They hunt in groups. And are most active in daylight hours.
The typical domesticated dog retains a need for social and group interaction. And they are more than happy to make their owners members of their pack. Dogs seem unhappy and lost when they are alone. Dogs that feel lonely will gravitate to people.
So it isn’t a surprise that dog people are extroverts. And they are social.
On the other hand, cats are more discriminating. They don’t mind being solo.But they do engage in social activities from time to time. And they also play with people, but their interest is fairly limited. Sometimes cats abandon the game and just wander away.
At heart cats are introverts.
Dogs can engage in play for hours. And it is typically the human that abandons the game first.
Dog People are more conscientious and traditional.
Dogs are more sociable than cats. And the personalities of dog lovers reflect that same amiability. The study showed that dog people were generally more extroverted and more agreeable than cat people.Dog people are also more conscientious than cat people.They tend to follow the rules.
People that are conscientious have a tendency to be much more self-disciplined. And to complete tasks. Dog lovers are more ambitious and goal oriented. They make plans. Appear on-time to appointments. And usually have more traditional beliefs.
Cat People are more open and spontaneous.
The study revealed cat people are more open than dog people. This openness more of an appreciation for art and creativity. Cat people’s independence makes them more adventurous, curious, and imaginative. At the same time they are quieter and more sensitive.
Cat people are more likely to hold unconventional beliefs. But dog people are more conventional. Cat people take the road less traveled, but they are often traveling alone.
Cat people and dog people have some differences. Just like cats and dogs are different.
Cat people are dreamers. Dog people work to make things happen. The most interesting thing may be that dog people wish their dogs were people. And cat people really just wish they were cats.