Clay cat litter is widely used by cat owners. It is cheap and has a good absorbing capacity. Clay litter is beneficial in some ways, but it has its
Is Buprenex (Buprenorphine) Safe for Cats?
While Buprenex (buprenorphine) is generally safe in cats, it is not free from side effects. In most cases, the medication causes sedation in cats.
What Should be the Ideal Weight of Your Pet Cat?
So, looks like you're spotting one too many similarities between Garfield and your pet cat. Or perhaps your beloved feline seems a little too
How to Make Cat Shampoo at Home
If you don't want to go for store-bought shampoos but rather opt for a homemade shampoo for your darling cat, this CatAppy article will give you easy
Do Flea and Tick Collars Work?
Have you found fleas on your pet? You know they can cause various diseases, and most importantly, they irritate the hell out of your beloved pet. One
Grumpy Cat? How to Identify and Stop Cat Fighting Behavior
Often we see our pet cats playing or scratching each other, some owners may find it amusing; for others, it's a matter of concern, because they don't
74 PURRfectly Creative Name Ideas for Your Black and White Cat
Black and white cats are also called Tuxedos because of their resemblance to human's formal wear. Thinking of what to name your tuxedo feline friend?
How to Differentiate Between a Peterbald and a Sphynx Cat
Here is a comparison of two popular hairless cat breeds - the Peterbald vs. the Sphynx. CatAppy explains the major differences between the two, by the
The Ever-so-grand Chinchilla: The Most Adorable Persian Cat Breed
Ever seen a cat that is grand, elegant, and fluffy? It might be a Chinchilla Persian cat, the most adorable of the Persian cats. If you want to bring