Cats, being the supremely classy beings that they are, do deserve some privacy while they, umm, go about their ‘business’. CatAppy has some interesting enclosure plans for hiding a litter box.
Whatever you do, please don’t upset Fluffy.
Cats are notoriously finicky about anything and everything. So, while you are indeed doing a noble deed by building an enclosure for your kitty to enjoy her toilet time, please don’t move her litter box in an entirely different area of the house. Cats are wired to associate certain things with specific places, and may find it upsetting to see their toilet in a different place.
Call them crazy, if you will, but cat parents are always a step ahead when it comes to pampering their beloved pet. Perhaps, it’s the cats with their unmistakably imperial aura which can turn regular humans into submitting slaves in no time―getting them the fanciest of cat food, the choicest catnip, or the perfect litter box.
So, if you’re looking for your next cat-pleasing project, try making a nice litter box enclosure for your feline friend. Not only will you end up making Fluffy happy, but also end up having a seriously good-looking piece of furniture in your home.
Enclosed litter boxes offer the dual advantage of concealing, what is essentially your pet’s toilet; and secondly, they also manage to keep those offensive odors down to a great degree. Let’s get started then―first up are the instructions, followed by some inspiring ideas.
How to Build Litter Box Enclosures for Cats
First things first! It is our duty to inform you that these enclosures are available in various pet stores, as well as online, selling for anywhere between USD 150 and 300. Thus, if money isn’t a concern, you can take the easy road and buy a ready version.
But, if you happen to be looking for DIY options, building an enclosure is pretty basic. And this is how you do it:
► You can use an old nightstand or any cabinet in your house and remodel it into a litter enclosure. In case you don’t have one, you can always purchase a toy trunk or a small cabinet for cheap.
► Remember to choose an appropriate-sized cabinet after factoring in the height of your cat (when seated). On an average, a 20 – 22 inch-tall cabinet should work just fine.
► Next, measure the size of the litter box which is to be kept inside. Standard uncovered trays usually measure 19.5″ L × 15″ W × 5.5″ H.
► The next step is to cut out an opening for your cat to get into the box. You can do this on the sides of the cabinet, as the idea is to conceal the box. Keep the cut wide enough for your cat to enter and exit comfortably. Mostly, a 10″ wide and 8″ tall hole should be fine―you may want to increase this slightly in case you’ve got a Maine Coon or even a Savannah. Leave a space of about 5″ off the bottom to avoid any spillage, and keep it easy for the cat to step in.
► Mark the measured shape on to the side of the cabinet before you begin to saw it off―you wouldn’t want to use the trial-and-error method during DIY jobs like these.
► Once you’re sure about the size to be cut, go ahead and saw it off. The next step is to sand off the edges to make them smooth, lest your precious kitty scrapes her skin.
► Your litter box enclosure is ready! You can paint it to match the rest of your furniture, or make it striking―it’s your call.
Interesting Litter Box Enclosure Designs
Armed with the technique, you are now free to remodel any unused closet or nightstand available at your disposal. We’re giving you some pictorial representations.

Convert a nightstand into a cozy little space for your cat to take care of his business. You can make the entrance in the door, or on the side, depending on where you’re looking to place the enclosure.

This trunk doubles up as a fantastic enclosure; and when you place it against a window, your kitty can also use it as a perch for her bird observing activities.

Another wood cupboard put to good use. If you don’t have one at home, you can always remodel an IKEA piece which you can purchase for less.

This nightstand has a small shelf on top which can be used to place other kitty items like her toys. Need a pro tip? Add a cat flap to the door to increase the privacy quotient, and some mystery as well!

Most people keep their kitty’s litter tray in the bathroom, but then it’s still out there for everyone to see, isn’t it? Use the extra space in your bathroom cabinet to place the tray, and the offending tray will be out of sight.

Have some spare room under the stairs? Use it right away! And you also have to admit that this is one clever and good looking way to conceal the litter box.

Now, we completely understand if you’re not the enterprising type who can’t trust themselves around sharp tools. Therefore, here’s some inspiration for all you fellas. Place the tray under a nice bench, provided it is sufficiently tall for your cat to get in. Drape a nice table cloth to conceal the area, and you’re pretty much done here.

Another no-saw technique. Use a coffee table shelf to place the litter box. You can drown the table under a cloth, or use a tension rod to hang tiny curtains to conceal the area.

Don’t want to drill your bathroom cabinet? Place the tray on a shelf, and you’ve got a nice place to hide the litter box.