Are you looking for a perfect name for your gray-colored kitten? Well, this CatAppy post has a whole list of names to choose from.
Pick a different language, look for a word meaning gray, and make it your kitten’s name! Here are words for gray in some languages. Choose from these if you like.
Croatian: Siva
German: Grau
Irish: Liath
Italian: Grigio
Japanese: Haiiro
Spanish: Gris
Cats come in a variety of colors such as white, black, gray, orange, brown, etc. Gray cats look the most adorable, don’t you think? The Norwegian forest cat, British shorthair, and Egyptian mau are some of the gray cat breeds we know of. Do you have a pet cat that belongs to one of these breeds? And is it time you choose a nice name for your gray kitten? Look no further then, for here we’ve brought you a list of 100 names for male and female kittens.
Choose something popular, traditional, quirky, or crazy. Base the name on the kitten’s color or combine it with something about its personality or behavior. Pick one of those enlisted below, combine the ones you like, or draw inspiration from these to come up with something of your own. Here you go.
Gray Kitten Names
- Ace
- Hazel
- Ashes
- Heather
- Ashley
- Holly
- Ashton
- Indigo
- Asia
- Indy
- Archie
- Inky
- Bacardi
- Ivory
- Bagley
- Jade
- Bert
- Jasper
- Berliose
- Lunar
- Binge
- Mercury
- Blaze
- Midnight
- Blotch
- Misty
- Bluestar
- Muddy
- Blur
- Moonlight
- Bonny
- Moonstone
- Bozo
- Nickel
- Brooks
- Noddy
- Cameo
- Nova
- Caprica
- Olley
- Champ
- Oscar
- Charcoal
- Pebbles
- Chrome
- Pepper
- Cinder
- Periwinkle
- Cinderfur
- Phoenix
- Claymore
- Platinum
- Cloudy
- Rocky
- Cobweb
- Shadow
- Cocoa
- Shady
- Cody
- Slate
- Desire
- Smarty
- Diesel
- Smoky
- Dusky
- Smudge
- Dusty
- Spooky
- Eager
- Stardust
- Earl
- Gray
- Sterling
- Eclipse
- Stormie
- Ember
- Timber
- Foggy
- Tinsel
- Fonzie
- Twilight
- Fudge
- Furby
- Vanity
- Ghost
- Willow
- Glitter
- Winnie
- Gracy
- Xena
- Grady
- Yorker
- Granite
- Zane
- Gravel
- Zanny
- Greyson/Grayson
- Zesty
- Greystone/Graystone
- Zinc
Although there are no hard and fast rules, keep some things in mind. See that the name is short and sweet. Consider the kitten’s gender and choose accordingly. And pick a name that will suit your kitten even after it grows into an adult cat.